The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 51 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.

A Win-Win Approach (A poetic one-scene drama)

entry picture

Characters (All together six)

Ethiopia (Mother) , Blue Nile (son) , Riparian Countries (Two-R1, R2)
International Donors (Two- D1, D2)

A background music about Blue Nile  River and a backdrop about Blue Nile fall

(Abaye Negateba Habtun Yafesewal,
Chesalba Nedage Belew MenYansewal /
Day in and day out Abaye (BlueNile)
Pours down its wealth,
It will not be a hyperbole if
I dare call it the smokeless fuel)

The music slowly fades out

  Enter Nile (Monologue)

Unchecked, indifferent
I had been roaring past
Fast and vast
With a thunderous blast
When I fall from
A water mast.

The aura of my
Age-old invincibility
What is more
A prodigal river
My inviolable identity
Are stripped of me
By over 80 ethnic groups
That have begun
To display
Unprecedented unity.

So now
"Must I
My title defend
Or my wrong
 Turns mend? "


(Blue Nile kneels down
up on seeing his mother Ethiopia)

 Enter Ethiopia

My repentant son
As the adages run
" 'United we stand divided
We fall! Also unity is strength'
You must understand
When siblings unite
To their mother's delight
They acquire power
Challenges undauntedly to fight
Conquering the unconquerable
To emerge triumphant.

Now fruits percolating
Across the board
Nation and nationalities
And people,  under
A federal system
On equal footing,
Their bonds tightening
Every morning,
Unity in diversity displaying
Are coming up with
A developmental leap
 (GERD)  astounding.

(Behere Behereseboche Nunu Yethiopia lejoche/ Come Come Nation Nationalities
and peoples of Ethiopia)

Ethiopia pulls up Blue Nile that is still kneeling

It is never too late
To start anew,
Blue Nile, my prodigal
But now repentant son
Contribute your due share
You can!

Your mother your nation
Deserves focal and
Undivided attention.

Blue Nile

Yes an imbecile or
An idiot
How could that
I forget?
A cooperative hand
To you I will lend
My indifference
To amend.

Yes democracy
When roots send
A nation a
Development ladder
Could ascend!


Forgetting differences petty
Whenever siblings
Either home or abroad
Portray unity
Their mother could
Expect bounty,
Whose benefit could
Accrue to
Neighbors true.

Blue Nile

Yes mother
If siblings have
Harmony and love
Inside, by that is what
They abide
In their relation outside.
A peaceful nation
For peace keeping
Mission continent-wise
Ethiopia is drawing attention.

Natural Sound Blue Nile falls

Enter riparian countries

R1 speaks
"If a
Win-win—hydro power—
Approach is what
You see fit
So be it!
Lose-win was  what
Into your ear
We used to din!
"Yes, Yes
Riparian countries,
We, can unite
Together to take
Our region
To new
Developmental height! "

R2 speaks

"Yes, yes for
Our industries
We can borrow power
From cooperative
And considerate Ethiopia
Africa's water tower!

Lesson we did get
Mobilizing citizens
Behind development
To throw full weight."

Enter Donors (Two D1, D2)

D1 speaks

Project proposal
We were oft prone
To reject.
Also finance
By no means
Without a string
We  liked to inject.
Cognizant of this fact,
Galvanizing the mass
Bringing into play
A mega project
And handling
Daunting tasks
By oneself as
An object,
A project-financing,
Unexampled push,
Ethiopia has set
The finance constrained
To emulate."

D2 speaks

"Indeed, Ethiopia
Deserves high five
For its
Developmental drive! "///

Music Ethiopian National Anthem

blue niledamwin-win

◄ Self Destruction

From the frying pan into the fire ►


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