The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.

Mermaid Song

entry picture

O, mermaid of the moonlight,
You sang so sweetly in the
Midst of the lake. I recall
The music of your voice,
The freedom of your chords.
Vision of delight, you sat
Silhouetted against the moon,
Your hair waving in the spray,
Your breasts dancing with

The motion of your arms
As you played the sea lute.
Such a fragrant night you
Must have felt the urge to
Rise up from the depths
Of the lake, and I who was
A serendipitous bystander
Was gifted the hearing of
Your tender, soulful song.

O, sweet mermaid of the lake,
How I wished to follow you
Down into the heart of your
Kingdom of water, and
You must know that I will
Romance about your features,
And I will recall with perfection
Each note and each breath
Of your moonlight song.


The picture is "A Mermaid" by John William Waterhouse.



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