The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 10 hours. Get details and Enter.



Take up the slack
Take the strain
Live my life ...
Absorb my pain
The ups and downs
The smiles and frowns
In fairly equal measure.
Times to remember
Times to forget
Times to treasure
Times to regret.
Things I’ve done but shouldn’t
Things I wanted to do but couldn’t
Always something holding me back
Or was that just an excuse
To cover up the lack
Of ambition
There’s no-one to blame, only myself
Blame’s not the word though
Because I’ve got a wealth
Of amusing anecdotes
Meaningful quotes
Gleaned from a misspent youth
Useful now that I know the truth.
Life’s too hard to be brave
So I won’t be a slave
To masculinity
I will have infinity
To consider the mistakes
The minor flakes
In my otherwise perfectly
Painted smile.
So, just for this earthly while
I will share the strain
Release my pain
And wonder
Why didn’t I do this years ago?
It would have saved so many tears
And all I had to do was ask
Take off the mask of
“I can manage”
Now I can limit the damage
And enjoy the good things
My life brings
If I just take up the slack.

© By: - Pete Slater.





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M.C. Newberry

Wed 4th Jan 2017 17:30

A pretty good summation of what life can be about...with echoes of how youth can be wasted on the young. But
age has its own rewards, needing only to be savoured
and appreciated.

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