The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 8 hours. Get details and Enter.


The greedy God is a needy God

offering paradise to those

who would make a body count

in a violent misshape of fate


for needy Gods need sacrifice

to justify their cause.

What God creates he takes away

while man creates his laws.





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Wed 20th Jul 2016 22:50

Excuse the expression Rob but I think we sing from the same hymn sheet on this. My whole point with this runs with you in that man contrives all the creaking superstructure himself ! Your rant is not necessarily a northern one by the way.

Thanks , Ray.

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Robert Mann

Wed 20th Jul 2016 14:48

Ray - personally I don't have a problem with any God because I don't believe any of the fairy tales or their interpretations. Religion needs to take responsibility for itself and the leaders or heads of 'churches/mosques/temples/synagogues etc. need to send out united messages of condemnation of extremism/deviant behaviour and self promotion. To take any action in a 'God's name' is an excuse and should be exposed for what it really is.
Sorry about the rant, but religion is a curse! Nice piece by the way.

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