The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 12 hours. Get details and Enter.

A visitor

A visitor
(Arthur Mee’s England: Gloucestershire; 1939)

A book arrived yesterday
- a visitor from the last century
Visiting our modern-times day.

Carries news and views
But no photographs or maps.

Tells us all about
The places
And the faces

Of the people
Who went there.

But most of all of everything
It brings the smoke
Of years gone by -
An incense offering to the gods.

Carrying,  exuding
The scent of fires
Long since out.
Wood smoke smells
Where the words
Were kipperfied
By an ancient fire
Created from old trees
And a woodman’s saw.

A tar-like honey sweet smell
Leaps from the pages
Of timelessness, re-connected,
And helps us picture
Some long gone lord
Or scullery maid
Who built the fire of that distant room.

The lords all smoke
And the ladies withdraw
While the book records
The moments of it all -
Until it lands its 3-d CD sensitivity
In our untimely laps –
To live and breathe the scenes again
Of those new-day early morning times.

The smokey book
Earns its keep for us, thus,
By transmitting more images
Than were ever foreseen
By the writer’s pen
Or the printer’s press.


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Tue 17th Apr 2018 03:54

good story really enjoyed this very well.
thank you for sharing.

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 11th Jan 2016 14:25

A worthwhile trip back in time via the pleasure of handling
and viewing old books. Arthur Mee was celebrated for
his writing of an England now lost forever. Used bookshops
often stock his books and also others of a similar vintage,
such as "The Wayfarer's Library" imprint. The illustrations,
where included, are a riveting reminder of what used to be,
with the scenes of streets largely devoid of motor cars,
and folk staring with undisguised curiosity at the camera,
never failing to arouse a sense of regret for what has gone

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Vicki Ayers

Sun 10th Jan 2016 19:33

Not much more to say other than I liked it - a lot! X

Lady Denyse

Sun 10th Jan 2016 15:34

Those were my favorite lines, as well, especially the last two. I loved the visuals and the scents that arrived whilst I read this.

Patrick Rushe

Sun 10th Jan 2016 15:08

Loved the theme of fire and smoke woven through this...

Carrying, exuding
The scent of fires
Long since out.
Wood smoke smells
Where the words
Were kipperfied
By an ancient fire
Created from old trees
And a woodman’s saw.

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