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The last Act

Billy Bog owned a frightful dog

Lucifer was his name

With short cropped hair and fangs all bared

Locals called beware as they ran off scared,


As Billy strutted down the street

In his big baggy T-shirt and big flat feet

A frail old lady was hobbling by

Her pension clutched tightly by her side,


Billy, concerned by his lack of cash

Decided to give the old girl a bash

The old woman screamed as the dog was barking

Billy on his toes with his heels a sparking


Ran like the wind from a hurricane

Over rough ground leaping and hopping

Tripped on the rubble and flew through the air

Where a London bound express train

Laid his flesh bare,


His dog sat by his masters side,

His arm, leg and a detached eye

A sorry sight to bare for much

So the dog got stuck in

And ate his lunch!



◄ Skid row

Unravelled ►


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