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In Search Of Honest Politicians

Dream drunk, post punk,
who could see how far we'd sunk,
under the crazy bankers weight,
No politicians worthy of this state...

Once we had some national pride,
but under their greedy thumbs that died,
now we head for third world wages,
screwed by those on the city stages.

We really need to wake up soon,
before we enter perpetual gloom,
destined for slavery under filthy rich,
will we die like millions did in some ditch?

The proof can be seen every day,
The rich grow richer while we pay,
more for the basic needs of life,
as they take more will it lead to strife?

No world wars of late to cull our young men,
so they see no jobs will be there for them,
millions chase after some part time hours,
hear the false claims of ministers in their ivory towers.

But cutting benefits does not create jobs for those,
who find their shoes worn through to show their toes,
in times long past we marched to show the urgent need,
for jobs that were worthy of the many who did plead...

But to take away money from the poorest is easier than,
to claim it from a power crazed wealthy man,
for they can switch their accounts to show they earn,
their income in a tax haven so they can the IR spurn...

Tax dodging by whatever means feeds shareholders ever more,
their greed excited, they clamour for payments on a foreign shore,
those tax havens make billionaires the most gleeful of men,
but the divide grows too wide for the poor to sustain them.

In an honest politician these facts would require much more graft
to change things for fairness is their only worthy path,
letting the poor die by suicide is a despicable act,
yet that happens every week, such an abominable fact.

June 2nd 2013



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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Tue 4th Jun 2013 17:29

:) I would never wish to be called a politicians Isobel - it is nigh on impossible to separate the good from the sleazy. Pity we don't have someone of Mandela's stature to show our lot a bit about principles...

It does seem like the LD's have been dragged down to tory levels and allow grossly unfair measures to be pushed through. Elections can't come soon enough, but whoever gets in is still going to have to tackle the power of multinationals ripping us ll off in regard to taxes.

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Tue 4th Jun 2013 07:01

Maybe you should run for office Dave? I often think the same thing myself. We need strong politicians with common sense, insight and a bit of compassion as well as a raft of policies they haven't thought through properly...

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Mon 3rd Jun 2013 20:25

Thanks for commenting Lynn - hard to see an end to corruption unless we monitor everything politicians do...

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Lynn Dye

Mon 3rd Jun 2013 20:10

Well written, Dave, and yes, it is all too true, unfortunately.

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Dave D Poet Rhumour

Mon 3rd Jun 2013 16:16

Thanks Ged - it is hard to use those two words in a single sentence isn't it? I've yet to visit Hope (Derbyshire), but bet it is crowded... ;) Best wishes, Dave

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Ged Thompson

Mon 3rd Jun 2013 01:24

Very true my friend, I fear the term 'honest politician' may be a contradiction of terms. But we can wait in hope


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