The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

Guidance for submissions

entry picture

What I Do That's New is a monthly feature in which poets explain innovative or clever aspects of their technique and share their ideas about the creative process.

For those looking to submit an article who need ideas on how to set out their ideas for maximum clarity the following handy tips and exemplar give a tried and tested structure that you can apply to your own article.

  • We prefer a succinct, urgent style of writing devoid of waffle - think newspaper article or academic piece. 
  • Articles should be clear and logical - the reader should be able to see how point B follows from point A
  • Preferably, articles should start with a brief theoretical framework (what ideas have other poets employed in the past that have influenced your own ideas)
  • You should then introduce your own innovative idea(s) or clever technique(s)
  • Give a few examples of your technique in operation in exerpts from some of your poems
  • Finish off by summing up your ideas and where they fit in with other poetry/art movements

This quick exemplar shows how the above may be fitted into your article:

"The avant garde movement in visual and installation art works on surprise,
usually achieved by juxtaposing two or more entirely disparate ideas into
one piece such that the overall effect is that of leaping out of a cupboard
and shouting boo.

At various times in my life I have been greatly affected by leaping out of
cupboards and shouting boo, so it really speaks to my soul.

I have tried to incorporate the ideas of the avant garde movement into my (a)

subject matter / (b) technical approach / (c) performance by (a) juxtaposing
disparate concepts of romantic encounters and dwarf throwing / (b) hiding the
salient points of the poem on the offbeat and having the beat hit part way
through a word or sentence / (c) sacrificing a goat on the altar of satan.

In this way, I am taking the element of surprise that is central to the avant garde movement and applying it to my poetry/performance."

The above is just an example of one approach to writing your article, and your work will not be rejected if you choose to format it in a different way. However, the editor may ask for clarification of any points that are not self-evident, and may also make minor changes where there are typos or grammatical errors. 

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