The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 11 hours. Get details and Enter.

Manchester's Queer, Vegan Poet

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The main angle in my work is that I am Manchester's Queer Vegan Poet. Each of those words is important both to me and to my writing.

I love this city but it has more than its fair share of darkness, and I explore that quite a bit in my work.

Being queer is becoming more and more of a vague statement these days - we're told there is no homophobia and we are often encouraged to turn a blind eye to the bigotry that has become ingrained in many people's everyday speech (and some people's actions). I do put some some political commentary into my poems, such as:

We are ring without stone.
Rich belong to rich.
Diamonds are mean,
clean jewels for tidy, shiny families.
Diamonds, a boy’s worst friend.
They’re forever.
Aren't they?
Reminding what will never be.
Lingering fingers flaunt sharp rocks.
Always pointing.

(From Diamonds by Dominic Berry)


Mostly though, I prefer to try to capture that feeling of unburdening that I felt when I moved away and started living in Manchester. Here, I was able to express myself in the ways I wanted to:

Soar, wind snapping hair,
higher than the Hilton,
breathing stars.
Then, dip down to Daleks
singing "Y.M.C.A."
Lazers and plungers raised
in Fab Cafe!
But don't stay. Rip away!
Too swift and sly.
So dive into darker
Shag-tag-ular dares.
"Pinch Brian Molko's kiss
from the top of Affleck's stairs."
Then, in a muggy, crowded daze,
taste thin lines of silver in moist, clouded haze.

(From Manchester by Dominic Berry)

I love sex and I love food, so I write a lot that celebrates both.  I try to write poems that go against the idea that veganism is somehow limiting and that talk instead about the creativity (instead of having to think inside the box of meat and two veg) that goes into vegan menus - the media and the language that I employ are an attempt to persuade rather than to condemn meat eaters and I often incorporate humour:

I mean dates with mates
and plates of pakora, crisp soft samosa,
soya ambrosia!
Fizzing drink flows and the air snogs your nose.
I know what my beans are for.
Stir fries. Bakes. Chocolate iced cakes.
My lasagne's style would make even Morrissey smile!
The sun shines out of my hummous.

(From My Favourite Meals by Dominic Berry)

I also feel animal abuse is a much talked about topic where little is actually said- so I aim to address that.

My writing has been described as 'effervescent and life affirming' by The Divine David and Contact Theatre's Artistic Director John McGrath has said I have a 'sharp unflinching eye'. My first book of poetry, Tomorrow, I Will Go Dancing, has just been published by Flapjack Press and is a collection of my verse performed for the last few years. Launches and promotions are occuring in Manchester, Liverpool and London.

◄ Queen Pin

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