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The 144 to Birmingham took twenty years

to burgeon from a blemish on the horizon

to the finish of the marathon. She promised

me I’d catch it, and waiting is a hard habit

to stop, unlike this Midland Red bus that plods

at funeral carriage pace. Of all the days

in all the Mays she dies upon the hottest -

always inapposite: mini – skirted in her forties,

wearing high-heels and stockings;

she had the legs. By the time I get to Droitwich,

Saturday stings my eyelids, squinting at shiny

shoppers, at flowers wrapped in plastic, the tussle

for parking spaces and the insouciance of swans.

I’ve exhausted the deposit of fond memories

by Longbridge and grimly disinter our final visit.

The Tories just defeated; double glazing’s

being fitted; these kiddies have been messed with

and the bastards should be strung up by the ends

of their expletives; the country is going backwards

to the wogs, the blacks, the niggers, even the weather’s

being changed to suit their pigment. So colourful,

she sniggered: Handsworth, Balsall Heath and Smethwick,

overrun by weed and reggae, curries and chapattis.

All the stuff she’d kept a lid on leapt out hissing.

I was embarrassed for my missus and our lasses,

taught to view the world, I s’pose, through rose-tinted glasses:

we left with bad excuses. Now the axis

of the white working classes has departed:

plunging from the mirror, to the sun,

to the star, then outer darkness.


◄ Summat and Nuffin

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Ray Miller

Fri 28th Oct 2011 20:48

Thanks, Isobel.The rhythm is there but, yeah, maybe it's not obvious on the page. It's really a very personal poem, much more personal than political.

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Fri 28th Oct 2011 11:00

She sounded like my kind of woman until we hit the racism...

I found the poem hard to get into, like Steve. I like the lines that people have picked out already.

I don't think of it as a political poem - more of one commenting on society and changing values.

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Ray Miller

Thu 27th Oct 2011 20:53

Thanks, Greg and Phil.Yeah, Droitwich/ Phoenix, hard to tell them apart really.


Thu 27th Oct 2011 19:46

Greg nicked my fav bit, so instead I'll plump for 'Of all the days in all the Mays she dies upon the hottest - always inapposite: mini – skirted in her forties, wearing high-heels and stockings; she had the legs'. Nice one.

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Greg Freeman

Thu 27th Oct 2011 00:24

Lots in this, Ray: "by the time I get to Droitwich", love that line. The mention of Longbridge gives a sense of industrial decay and dereliction, something lost; and I suppose I'm bound to appreciate the lines "from the mirror, to the sun, to the star, then outer darkness". Nowhere else to go! All in all, quite a journey.

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Ray Miller

Wed 26th Oct 2011 23:44

Dunno if it is good, really. I like the rhythm and most of the phrasing but the story, "the narrative arc" could be much, much better.

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Ray Miller

Wed 26th Oct 2011 19:10

Hello, Steve. I was just about to ask what do you mean, me and my bus journeys, then I remembered!What does make a poem political!?Interesting what you say about the rhythm. I'm too close to it, I suppose.

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