Childhood - Competition Follow Up to 'Space'
Hi All and Happy New Year!
Following on from the Space competition which ran over November/December by Paul Blackburn I am now going to follow with this month’s prize and competition. I know I’m starting it a little late in the month but you lot are so inspired I’m sure you’ll come up with some amazing stuff in 3 weeks...
The rules as much the same as they have been so far:
1. The theme is ‘Childhood’. The poem, or poems, have to have something, however tenuous, to do with this. No limit to how many you can enter!
2. It should be blogged in January. It would be very helpful if it was tagged ‘Childhood’. Don't forget: if you edit your poem after submitting it, you need to re-tag it again! This caught me out a few times. If you'd like, email it to me too ( to make sure I don't miss it.
3. As previously, I'll post a reminder near the end of the month. (Closing date January 31st). On 1st of Feb - I'll blog on here a list of all the poems written on the theme in the month and invite you to cast your votes.
4. As before, there will be one vote per WOL member. Don't vote for yourself. Votes to be emailed by end of play Feb 5th to me at
5. The winner receives a £10 Waterstones voucher. I won't enter or vote but will use a casting vote if there's a tie. There will only be one winner. If there is a good response the winner may like to suggest a theme for February, however they should feel under no pressure to come up with another voucher!
Good luck everybody, really looking forward to seeing your work!
Thanks, Thom
Dave Bradley
Tue 1st Feb 2011 23:43
Hi Thom
I'm writing this with 15 minutes of 1st Feb to go so you may be about to do something, in which case apols.....but is the competition going to run?