The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 58 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

wordPLAY Charity Special

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wordPLAY is very pleased to announce that they are returning to the Good Ship in Kilburn for a one-off charity special on Tuesday 23rd November in aid of the Cystic Fibrosis Trust. It's an event for 18+ and starts at 8pm (doors 7pm) with an entry charge of £4.50/£3.50 concs.

Dynamic poetry sensation Indigo Williams will be headlining this fundraiser alongside controversial Big Brother contestant Shabby Eliot-Katchadourian, making her first live appearance since her escape from the house over the summer, cult Tate collaborator Nick Makoha presenting his unique take on the modern life, and a peppering of new and established writers as 'guest stars' and you have a mini riot on your hands.

Indigo Williams

wordPLAY has been North London’s foremost spoken word event since its beginnings in 2009, and has played host to a wide array of writers such as Laura Dockrill, Kate Tempest, Bernadine Evaristo, Edinburgh award-winning comedian Tim Key, TS Eliot-winning Poet George Szirtes, author of 'Return to The Hundred-Acre Wood' (the Winnie the Pooh sequel) David Benedictus, and an eclectic array of guest stars who are generally less established/unpublished yet generally wonderful writers, varying from traditional poets to MCs, beatboxers and freestylers to prose writers and storytellers.


◄ Aldeburgh Poetry Festival 2010

Haiku Competition 2010 ►

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