The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 60 days, 0 hours. Get details and Enter.

Rebel With A Cause (v2)

I am a rebel against torture 

I am a rebel against pain 

I seek an end to hunger 

I seek an end to the shame 

The shame that comes from knowing 

all those children dying without water 

all those children dying without names 

all those children dying from war 

Why do men play their vicious games 

why do those men pretend to serve God 

when all they want is power over others 

when all they see is the red mist of blood 

I am a rebel against politics 

I am a rebel against greed 

I seek an end to robbery 

I seek new ways to succeed 

The needs of my child are sated 

The needs of so many more are not 

All our children were born equal 

All should be safe, not bullied and shot 

Why do we buy the rubbish 

that we then litter all around 

why do we let big business 

pollute us with their greedy sound 

The sound of quick hard sell words 

the sound that masks what's real 

the sound of till drawers opening 

the sound as they stealthily steal 

They steal our childrens futures 

They hide the urgent needs to come 

They want to keep our eyes closed 

They want us all to stay mum 

Rebel against their cruel ways 

Rebel against their future theft 

Rebel until they come to listen 

Rebel until we have done our best 

The best is not to squander 

The best does not spoil the land 

The best is taking care of all 

The best is to make them understand 

August 11th 2010 

Edited Feb 5th 2017



◄ Sweet Nothings...

Wishing Well ►


<Deleted User> (6895)

Wed 11th Aug 2010 10:25

Good morning Dave-sound words indeed-especially with thoughts of all the poor people of Pakistan struggling-while most of the world stands by-twiddling its thumbs-now if there was oil to be! what a rush there would be! but of course not belittling the efforts of people already there on the gound assisting-but it is such a vast area-the more help the better is what I mean.-thanks Dave-Stef.

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Larisa Rzhepishevska

Wed 11th Aug 2010 09:26

Beautiful poem Dave. If only everyone on our Land did something for todays' life to be better it would be the best deed.

With warmest wishes,


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