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Two farthings make an 'ape'ny

(That's halfpenny for short)

Two 'ape'nies make a penny

Like two pints make a quart;

Three pennies make a thrup'ny bit

And six of them a tanner

Two tanners make a bob

King George never never never shaves his nob

But I digress

Two bobs and a half a bob

Made up a half a crown

You've nearly bought a dog licence

A third of it paid down.

Four half crowns and you were rich!

Cos that's a 10 bob note;

(A 9 bob one would signify

A homophobic quote);

The only coin that now remains

(The note's though been got rid)

Two 10 bob notes made one pound note-

Colloquially a quid.





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John Coopey

Fri 31st Jan 2025 09:19

It was all wonderfully random, Trevor. 2 of these make that. 2 and a half of these make that. 12 of these make that.
It made for brilliant maths exam questions like “If concrete costs £11/5/7 per cubic ton, how much does it cost to concrete a back yard measuring 27ft 8” by 14ft 5” to a depth of 4 inches. (Slide rules are not permitted)”

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Trevor Alexander

Thu 30th Jan 2025 23:27

Did you forget the two-bob bit
that older people called a florin
while they would look askance at it
because it sounded somewhat foreign?

Nice trip down memory lane John. I remember as a child getting my "Saturday penny" from my grandad to spend on sweets at the corner shop - it used to buy 4 'fruit salad' or 'blackjacks'.

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John Coopey

Wed 29th Jan 2025 15:54

Conveniently, this made for 240 pennies in a pound.

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