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(We visited Auschwitz in October last year.  Our tour guide had a personal connection with the camp as her uncles who had been in the resistance were tortured and killed there. As she pointed out the killing grounds - the gas chambers, the gallows, the firing squad yard the starvation cells, the torture yards, she would repeat the phrase "All roads lead to death".

A triolet. My poem for International Holocaust Remembrance Day on Monday).


In Auschwitz and in Birkenau

All roads lead to death

We come from Prague or Chiechanow

To Auschwitz and to Birkenau

But no God ever hears us now

For they are blind and deaf

In Auschwitz and in Birkenau

All roads lead to death.


In Auschwitz and in Birkenau

Under Rudolf Hoess

Our Gods spectated and allowed

In Auschwitz and in Birkenau

These crimes obscene near old Krakow

And favoured the SS

In Auschwitz and in Birkenau

All roads lead to death.


In Auschwitz and in Birkenau

By bullet and by gas

Or by starvation this was how

In Auschwitz and in Birkenau

The whole wide world would disavow

We silent unterclass

In Auschwitz and in Birkenau

All roads lead to death


In Auschwitz and in Birkenau

Eclipsed the Jewish race

They slaughtered us like pigs, like cows

In Auschwitz and in Birkenau

The “showers” are kept busy now

The ovens can't keep pace

In Auschwitz and in Birkenau

All roads lead to death.


In Auschwitz and in Birkenau

All roads lead to death;

Treblinka, Sobibor, Dachau,

In Auschwitz and in Birkenau

Jehovah will not help you now

So taste your last sweet breath

In Auschwitz and in Birkenau

All roads lead to death.





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John Coopey

Sat 25th Jan 2025 13:36

All of us, no doubt, have felt the pain of loss of someone close to us, Stephen. But how can we feel 6 million times the pain for 6 million souls. We can never do them justice.

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Stephen Gospage

Sat 25th Jan 2025 08:49

This is the most moving poem I have read about the holocaust. The pain and the tragedy is only heightened by the elegance of your verse. As you say, we have to be constantly reminded of how easy it is for an apparently advanced, cultured society to descend to such unspeakable depravity.

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John Coopey

Fri 24th Jan 2025 15:33

Indeed, Uilleam. Trade unionists, civic leaders, gypsies, POWs, intellectuals the disabled, homosexuals, Poles et al. But mostly Jews.
And thanks for the Likes, RedBrick and Naomi.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Fri 24th Jan 2025 14:46

The victims of the Holocaust were not all Jews, John.
The othering, demonising, and portraying of certain groups as "less-than-human", were subtle and insidious ways of justifying the horrors of the Holocaust.
Notable Hate-Brewers in the UK are still carrying out that process, with the full support of certain members of the UK government.
Nowt learned!

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John Coopey

Fri 24th Jan 2025 14:18

It wasn’t my experience, Uilleam. It was the experience of 6 million Jews.

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Fri 24th Jan 2025 14:01

Thank you, John for a moving, harrowng account of your experience.
What makes your account, and those like it, even more distressing, is the gut-wrenching realisation, on looking at the current Genocide in Gaza and Palestine (which is being carried out with the complicity of British religious and political leaders), that Britain and her accomplices have learned nothing whatsoever from the Holocaust.

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John Coopey

Fri 24th Jan 2025 13:24

I disagree, Graham. I believe everyone should go there, especially young people who may be forgiven for thinking that their world around them is a given. Look at a “civilised” European country like Yugoslavia. Losing the values we cherish is only a broken spider’s thread away.
On another level, I saw no tourist gawping only a stunned willingness to learn.

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Graham Sherwood

Fri 24th Jan 2025 11:07

I simply cannot understand why this place and others like it are seen as being suitable tourist destinations.

We can be educated about them via all types of media without trolling around them like erstwhile voyeurs.

This in no way takes anything away from the poetry JC which is very profound indeed.

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