The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 57 days, 16 hours. Get details and Enter.

Winter 2024, December

Mid month

as a good a time as any other

to write of howling winds that smother


Every hint

of comfort and the daily norms

to replace them all with Darragh's storms


Which break

the trees which crash and fall upon

wires, and thus: the village power has gone


And then

in every room in every country cottage

is darkness from the lack of wattage


No heating

warms, no ovens cook, no hobs to boil

and freezers let their contents spoil


Crouched around

wood burning stoves we try to read

by candlelight, wondering how to feed


On anything

that isn't cake, or bread and cheese

or how to boil water for our teas


The luxury

of an old potato baked in the embers

(a boy scout's trick my mind remembers)


Barely makes

a meal but is a change from more cold food:

stale bread, cheese with pickle slowly chewed


Deadlines pass

with no heat or glimmer of a friendly light

and then no power to warm my bed at night


Till suddenly,

hours before the last deadline, a sudden shock -

lights and heating are back in stock




◄ Destiny

Miracles ►


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Stephen Gospage

Sat 21st Dec 2024 08:12

Glad to note the happy ending, Chris. I really enjoyed this one, in spite of the ordeal it describes!

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Greg Freeman

Fri 20th Dec 2024 21:35

Never mind, Chris, we've reached the solstice. More light on its way! Nicely-crafted poem, of detail, realism, and rhyme.

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Marla Joy

Fri 20th Dec 2024 17:40

Chris, thanks for posting this. I love the form. Marla

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