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The Happy Teacher

Start off the day miffed,

At being late – blame the lift


Continue being peeved at all,

The door, the window, and the wall.


Am also a bit cross with them –

My footwear – noisily fraying at the helms.


The corridors look drab and tiresome,

People busy in their humdrum.


Can’t run or hide, so quietly surrender,

Head high, kind smile – the happy teacher!


◄ Look-n-See

Despicable me ►


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Robert Mann

Mon 27th Jan 2025 18:14

I don't know how teachers do it. Kids are so entitled these days - their attitudes would drive me up the wall. Like the sentiment of this one.

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M.C. Newberry

Thu 5th Sep 2024 14:40

A teacher is a vocation IMHO. You have to instinctively know
it is something you want to do. In my early days as a young
police officer I dealt with some teachers and was made very
aware of how the profession could be affected by political
belief to the detriment of the basic values of a great most
valuable profession that should be about opening up minds
not limiting them with one's own attitudes and personal convictions: the difference between a good teacher and a bad one. Something that seems very relevant to modern universities!


Thu 5th Sep 2024 12:54

Thank you, Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh. It is true what you say. I am from India, and the importance and value of good teaching are sadly not fully understood. It is disheartening to see this in a culture that has held learning in high regard. It is time for people (both the government and society) to understand that - A good teacher is costly, but a bad teacher costs a lot!

Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Thu 5th Sep 2024 12:37

Bravo, pallavitryingthings.
Just a BIT cross...should be a LOT!
The disrespect meted out by government and society in general to the teaching profession -who are after all “in loco parentis”- is a disgrace.

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