The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.

a bad habit

i find myself texting you late at night

until you block me i’ll keep on coming back

wish i was only here out of spite

but in reality i need to talk to someone during my panic attack


i know it’s selfish to use you for reassurance 

however it’s the only thing that can soothe my racing mind

and i haven’t gotten enough money for insurance 

so i hope it doesn’t make you feel confined


when will i stop waiting around?

stop waiting for that text or call back?

when will i find that missing piece of me that has yet to be found?

maybe i left it in the luggage rack 


i don’t know why im like this

why i cant ever just be left alone with my thoughts

maybe it’s just that i like to reminisce 

and without contact my hair becomes covered in knots



◄ late night walking


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