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Barking dogs seldom bites

In the dead of night, the dogs bark incessantly,

Their voices carrying a message unknown to me,

Perhaps a tale of longing or simply a plea,

Echoing through the streets, disrupting the tranquility.


As the night wears on, their barks grow louder,

A cacophony of sound, a chaotic shroud,

Piercing the stillness, as if possessed by power,

Their calls reverberating in the midnight hour.


Despite the saying that barking dogs seldom bite,

Their noise disrupts the peace, causing a plight,

Morning walkers wary, with fear in their sight,

As street dogs roam, ready to take a bite.


Neighbors frustrated, voices raised in protest,

Seeking a solution to bring about rest,

Authorities called upon to do what's best,

Removing the dogs, hoping for a peaceful quest.


Dog patrolling arrives, rounding up the pack,

Transporting them far, to never come back,

Relocating them away, on a different track,

A temporary solution to quiet the clack.


Dogs, unaware of the disturbance they cause,

Engaged in their discussions, breaking laws,

Unwittingly creating a disruptive pause,

Their barks a reminder of nature's flaws.


Hush now, street dogs, let silence reign,

Return to your homes, leave behind the strain,

For the night is long, and the echoes wane,

Peace restored, as the barking dogs refrain.


◄ The house we call home

Slipperstale ►


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Sun 26th May 2024 08:49

It could be. Or may be an intruder, a trespassing dog of another could be anything. But that cacophony is horrific... 😆

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Nigel Astell

Wed 15th May 2024 14:06

The dogs barking
maybe seeing
a cat
telling all
his pals
waking up
those that
want to
silently dream
soon to
sleep again.😎

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