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I've escaped, I've walked out,  from the strange mystery home
Im free to wander, the old places I'll roam
That man calls me brother, shouting my name
I'll shuffle away, what's his silly game
These keys in my pocket, now where is the car
How did I get here have a wandered to far
This fog in mind, the thoughts not firing
I'm sure to remember, shall I keep trying
Fred at the newsagents, where has it gone
George at the butchers, that's near where I'm from
These people are strangers not who I knew
How did I get here I haven't a clue
I'm in my pajamas and it's getting quite cold
These slippers on my feet are worn and seem old
I'm sure I got dressed and left for work
Or did I retire, I was a well dressed clerk
Who's this frail woman, holding my arm
Leading me slowly, with a smile and charm
Voice soft and gentle, to the minibus van
Treetops nursing home, I remember I can
What's happened to me, my memories fade
My gorgeous wife, her face in the shade
I'm still here trapped, racked with pain
Locked away now in this failing brain
So here I lie on this nursing bed
Can't hold a fork or spoon so I'm fed
So in old age, I'm trapped in my mind
Nothings left of me, be cruel to be kind.

MDH 2024


Old agedementiaendings

◄ Homeless

Angels Call ►


<Deleted User> (35860)

Tue 16th Apr 2024 13:47

One of the most terrible diseases, as we all know Mike. Don't know if you had heard or read about a case where the elderley gent suffering from dementia, had killed his wife, walked out of the house,

and when brought back to the house by someone, upon seeing his wife lying on the kitchen floor, asked, oh no! is that my wife?

How very very sad is that Mike? ( omg )


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David RL Moore

Tue 16th Apr 2024 08:15


A fair account of life for my father these days. Written with heartfelt sadness I'm sure.

Well written and observed in my opinion.


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