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That's How We Are Right Now

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We laugh at experts and suck up to fools,

Effortless amateurs from public schools,

And love the chancers who sidestep the rules.

That’s how we are right now, that’s how we are.


We laugh at research and usher away

Facts and achievements on public display;

We’d rather go down on our knees and pray.

That’s how we are right now, that’s how we are.


We laugh at the truth and worship the fake,

Give every simple solution a break,

And don’t try to understand what’s at stake.

That’s how we are right now, that’s how we are.


We laugh at learning and gape at our screens,

We bend each way the cheap populist leans,

Though he won’t amount to a hill of beans.

That’s how we are right now, that’s how we are.

fake newspopulism

◄ Two Years On - Poems on the War in Ukraine

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Stephen Gospage

Tue 27th Feb 2024 16:54

My thanks to Leon, MC, Stephen A and Uilleam for the kind comments. I tried to make this poem go with a swing, although the subject is ultimately quite serious.

And thanks to Graham, Tom, Hugh, Holden, Anita, John GE and Tim for liking this poem.

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Tue 27th Feb 2024 09:31

Thank you Stephen.
Speaking of "Possers", some parliamentary tool said the following a few years ago:

“I think the people of this country have had enough of experts with organisations with acronyms saying that they know what is best and getting it consistently wrong.”?

Indeed - 14 years of getting it consistently wrong!

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Stephen Atkinson

Mon 26th Feb 2024 22:42

Expertly written & as relevant as always! 👏

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M.C. Newberry

Mon 26th Feb 2024 16:04

I ;like the rhythm and the "repeat" final words of each stanza.,
employed to great effect. I tend to take a questioning attitude
to much of what is imposed upon us theee days - and have a healthy circumspection about the word "expert". Plus......
We tend to deserve an apology
For each use of the term "idealogy"!

leon stolgard

Mon 26th Feb 2024 15:20

Wow Stephen! what a wonderfully flowing gem of a poem!

bravo sir! bravo!

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