The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 23 hours. Get details and Enter.

Two Years On

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Time, or what passes for time,

Is a culprit, most unkind,

Stealing what we find,

Emptying our mind.


Time should be the music

Which everybody plays,

Adding to our days

In unexpected ways.


But time is made of windows,

Shattered one by one in hate,

A commentary upon this state,

Where rescue parties come too late.


Time is the gun, time is the shell,

Time is the piercing winter gale,

Time is the gas that some inhale,

Time is the wretched prisoner’s tale.


This time is the pure time:

An undiluted substitute for fear

Of the bogeyman, drawing near.

Please send him somewhere else, not here.


And time is two years, precisely;

And though we strut and we defend,

None among us will pretend

That we know when it will end.


◄ Time Passes

Two Years On - Poems on the War in Ukraine ►


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Stephen Gospage

Sat 24th Feb 2024 08:34

Thanks, RA, for your kind words and perceptive comments. It is very worrying that Putin's brutal regime seems to be cranking up its efforts right now and that some in the West (notably the Republican Party in the US) seem to have lost the stomach to even provide military aid. And yet Ukraine continues to resist heroically, which must give us some hope.

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R A Porter

Fri 23rd Feb 2024 09:16

A powerful poem on this desperately sad war Stephen. I felt uneasy from the beginning about how long it could last and how many lives it would claim. The one glimmer was when there was a direct internal threat to Putin (albeit from a brutal mercenary group leader), but once that was extinguished he was more powerful than ever - and if and when he does finally go there doesn’t appear to be much hope for anything better. It’s so important to keep reminding people about what is happening - watching Ukrainian soldiers training for trench warfare on the news whilst knowing how unequal the resources are was chilling.

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Stephen Gospage

Thu 22nd Feb 2024 21:39

Many thanks, Keith. It's on the way.

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keith jeffries

Thu 22nd Feb 2024 19:51

Congratulations on your latest book. I am a fan of yours and would appreciate a PDF copy if at all possible.

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Stephen Gospage

Wed 21st Feb 2024 16:58

Thanks, Greg. A dreadful anniversary indeed.

Thank you, John. Yes, there seems to be too much wavering on this crucial matter in the West, while Putin seems horribly implacable.

And thanks to Rob, Tim, Hélène, K Lynn, Holden, Stephen, Steve, Graham and RG for liking this one.

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Greg Freeman

Tue 20th Feb 2024 23:01

A fine poem to mark a dreadful anniversary, Steve.

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John Coopey

Tue 20th Feb 2024 19:37

My fear is that our resolve to support Ukraine will falter long before that of Putin.

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