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Naughtiness within

When your heart is at peace, knowledge complete,

Of your creator and his mighty powers,

A smile graces your face, a holy feat,

An aura of tranquility that empowers.


No fear of anyone or anything,

For what will come, will come, as destiny,

Even in tsunami or storm's dark wing,

Within you, a calmness, a certainty.


Knowing the might of your creator's hand,

No terror can take hold, no doubts remain,

And so, my laughter, mischievous and grand,

Becomes a reminder of a heavenly domain.


You see the glow upon my face, perplexed,

But fail to see Allah's grace, my soul bestowed.


Nothing can shatter my determination,

For I have surrendered to divine love,

No turmoil can steal my peace, my patience,

I am mutmain, content, guided from above.


Though it may seem the world is against me,

Within, a glimpse of paradise I see,

A love and protection that sets me free,

For Allah's presence is more than enough for me.


So, in these verses, I proclaim with pride,

The source of my joy, Allah, my eternal guide.


Explanation of the above poem


The speaker in the poem is someone who has attained a deep understanding of their creator and their powers, as well as an unshakeable faith in their divine protection. They are in a state of mutmain (contentment) and their knowledge of their creator's might gives them a sense of calm certainty, even in the face of adversity. The speaker's laughter is a reflection of this inner peace and their joy in sharing this divine grace with those around them.


The speaker's peace and contentment are not based on ignorance or apathy, but rather on a profound understanding of their place in the universe and their relationship with their creator. They recognize that everything that happens is part of a greater plan, and they trust in their creator's guidance and love. This trust allows them to maintain a sense of peace and calm even in the face of external turmoil.


The speaker's laughter, which initially appears mischievous and confusing to others, is actually a reflection of their inner joy and contentment. They see the glow on the listener's face and interpret it as confusion, not understanding the source of their happiness. However, the speaker remains unperturbed and continues to share their divine grace with those around them.


In summary, the speaker in the poem has attained a state of mutmain through their deep understanding of and faith in their creator. They experience an unshakeable calm and contentment, even in the face of adversity, and their laughter is a reflection of this inner peace. They use their joy to share their divine grace with others, despite the confusion it may initially cause.


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Ghazala lari

Sat 25th May 2024 15:46

Thank you Keith and Bindu.💐

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Bindu Trigunayak

Wed 14th Feb 2024 04:41

beautifully crafted poem💖🌷

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keith jeffries

Mon 12th Feb 2024 13:22

Thank you indeed for this splendid poem which speaks of the essence of Faith. It is a great comfort for believers to know that our lives in this world and the future are safe in the hands of our creator.
Thank you again for this,

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