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All Has Turned Red (Merry Christmas, I Guess?)

Today as I scrolled through my feed.
I saw a child's mutilated body,
Laid bare for all to see.
A bomb it had been,
If I trust the caption at least,
That had destroyed this child,
Their dreams, their hopes, their love, their life.
The agony was too much for poor 
little me to bear.
I am only seventeen, you see,
ignoring that the child on the screen
Looked no day over three.
I wanted to tear my eyes out of their sockets,
But settled on closing the app,
Turning the screen black.

Somewhere across the globe,
Another person,
Only seventeen,
Watched the same scene unfold.
Wanting to tear their eyes out of their sockets,
For there their sibling laid.
Not having the privilege to close the app,
To erase reality,
They settled instead
on scratching their eyes to red.


◄ Greedy Hearts

Heaven Is Raining Down On Me (It Burns, Gods, It Burns) ►


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Steve White

Thu 28th Dec 2023 07:41

Thanks for this poem, Yasoda. A timely reminder of our privilege to look away.


Wed 27th Dec 2023 20:36

A tragedy indeed. Thank you for telling me about Herod, I didn't know that, its very interesting to read about his actions. Human nature really hasn't changed, taking that context, and that is simultaneously tragic as well as a relief, depending on which aspect of human nature we're talking about. This violence, this unnecessary bloodshed, belongs with no doubt on the tragic side.

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M.C. Newberry

Wed 27th Dec 2023 20:10

The subject of infant mortality certainly has a very relevant resonance at thsi time of the year. Its tragedy can come in a
variety of circumstances, none any less tragic than any other.
In Christian teaching, there are stories of the likes of Herod
sending his soldiers out to kill the first born to preserve his
rule; and now we have the likes of Putin and others sending
out their soldiers to kill to preserve their primacy, careless as to whether they be first born or not. The theme hasn't changed
even though the times have moved on a couple of thousand
years. That is the greater tragedy for humanity and its purpose
on this planet.

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