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Blast from the past

Isabella sat in the silent garden, surrounded by the beautiful blooming flowers and chirping birds. She was lost in her thoughts, reminiscing about the past and the loved ones who were no longer with her. It had been 20 years since her uncle, her father's brother, had passed away. His sudden death had left a huge void in her heart and in her family.

Her uncle had been a kind, loving and generous man, always making sure that his family, including Isabella and her parents, were well taken care of. He and his family had lived close to them, and they often spent weekends and holidays together, creating many fond memories. Isabella and her cousin, her uncle's son, had been inseparable, like siblings.

But after her uncle's death, everything changed. His family, devastated by the loss, decided to move away, leaving Isabella and her family behind. They lost all contact with them, and the only updates they received about them were from other family members. Isabella longed to see her cousin again, to see how he had grown up and to catch up on lost time. But she never had the chance.

Until one day, out of the blue, her cousin showed up at her doorstep. Isabella was both surprised and overjoyed to see him after so many years. However, she could sense that something was troubling him, as he seemed distant and preoccupied.

They spent the day together, catching up on each other's lives. Isabella told her cousin all about her studies, her job, and her life in general. She could see the sadness in his eyes as she mentioned their uncle, and she knew that he must have been hurting just like she was.

The day went on, Isabella's cousin finally opened up to her. He had been struggling with personal issues and felt lost and alone in the world. Just like Isabella, he missed their uncle dearly and wished he could have been there to guide him through his problems.

Isabella listened patiently to him, offering words of comfort and support. She shared her own experiences and offered advice, just like her uncle would have done. The sun slowly began to set, they both felt a sense of peace and closure.

Before leaving, Isabella's cousin handed her a letter. Isabella was surprised and curious, wondering who could have written her a letter.

With tears in her eyes, Isabella went back to the comfortable couch and closed her eyes, picturing her uncle's smiling face. She was grateful for the unexpected visit from her cousin.  She knew that their bond would always remain strong, no matter how much time had passed.

Isabella had spent the entire evening sitting in the garden, lost in her thoughts about her late uncle and his son. It had been years since her uncle had passed away, but the memories still lived on in her heart. She had been close to her uncle, and his son had been like a brother to her. But now, he was gone, and she was left with only fond memories and a sense of longing.

She sat there in the garden, the gentle breeze and warm setting sun reminded her of the beautiful moments she had shared with her uncle and his family. The fragrant flowers around her brought back happy memories of their time together. She closed her eyes and let herself be lost in the past, reliving every moment she had spent with them.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew through the garden, and the letter that had been lying on the table in front of her fell to the ground. The noise snapped her out of her thoughts, and she slowly opened her eyes. She picked up the letter, unsure of what it could be. It had been so long since her uncle's passing that she couldn't remember receiving a letter from him.

She held the letter in her hands, she couldn't bring herself to open and read it. The emotions were still too raw, and she wasn't ready to relive the memories just yet. She placed the letter back on the table and took a deep breath, trying to calm her racing heart.

The darkness started enveloping the entire space, Isabella got up and went back into the house to get ready for dinner. The rest of the evening went by in a blur, but her mind was still consumed with thoughts of her uncle and his family. After dinner, she decided to take a stroll around the garden to clear her head.

During her walk, she found herself once again lost in memories of her uncle. She remembered how he would always be the first to come and visit her family on special occasions, and how she would eagerly wait for him to arrive. Even after he got married and his visits became less frequent, he still made sure to be the first person to greet them whenever he returned to the city.

Isabella's heart ached at the thought of her late uncle, but she didn't share her feelings with anyone, not even her family nor friends. She preferred to keep her memories of him close to her heart, cherishing them without the prying eyes of others.

When she reached her room, Isabella prepared to retire to bed. It had been an emotional day, meeting her cousin after 20 years, but it had also brought back bittersweet memories that she had kept hidden for so long. And as she lay in bed, she couldn't help but feel grateful for the time she had spent with her uncle and his family. He may be gone, but his love and memories would always be cherished by Isabella, and they would continue to live on in her heart.

She lay in bed and the events of the day replayed in Isabella's mind like a movie. She couldn't believe how much life had changed in twenty years. Her mind was spinning with thoughts about everything that had happened - the good, the bad, and the unexpected.

But amidst all the chaos and commotion of her thoughts, something caught her eye. There, resting casually on her bedside table, was a letter. Isabella didn't remember reading it before, but she was too lost in her own thoughts to pay any attention to the letter.

Curiosity getting the better of her, Isabella picked up the letter and studied it closely. There was no sender's name on the envelope, which immediately piqued her interest. She tore open the envelope carefully, wondering who could have sent her a letter without mentioning their name.

With trembling hands, Isabella took out the paper from inside the envelope and unfolded it. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw who the sender was - it was from James. Isabella couldn't believe it. She read his name over and over again, making sure she wasn't imagining things.

Isabella and James had been more than just good friends, but their relationship ended abruptly when James moved away from the city. Isabella was heartbroken, but eventually moved on with her life. She hadn't spoken to James or even thought about him in years.

But now, here he was, sending her a letter out of the blue. Isabella's heart raced as she opened the letter to read its content. She was flooded with emotions - anger, confusion, and curiosity all at once.

Isabella remembered the deep conversation she had with her cousin earlier that day. She had opened up to him about her past relationship with James, not knowing that he would hand her a letter from him. Her cousin didn't say anything about the letter, probably thinking she already knew about it.

She gently unfolded the letter, her eyes brimmed with tears. James had poured out his heart in the letter, apologizing for the way things had ended between them. He expressed how much he regretted leaving her and how he still loved her.

Isabella's hands trembled as she read the letter, each word pulling at her heartstrings. She couldn't understand how she was feeling - she was both overwhelmed and hesitant. After all these years, did she still have feelings for James? Did she want to give him another chance?

Isabella felt suffocated, like a tsunami of emotions rushing through her being. She needed fresh air. She jumped off the bed and opened the window, gasping for breath as she tried to compose herself.

She stood by the window, the letter still in her hand, Isabella realized that she needed time to process everything. She couldn't make a decision in this emotional state. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, trying to calm the storm inside her.

With a heavy heart, Isabella made her way back to her bed. She kept the letter back on her bedside table and lay down, staring up at the ceiling. She knew that she needed to talk to James and sort things out, but for now, she needed time and space to figure out her own feelings.

Slowly she drifted off to sleep, Isabella couldn't help but wonder what would come of this unexpected letter from her past. Is this a chance for closure or a second chance at love? Only time will tell.

◄ Patience

Scarred love ►


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Mon 18th Dec 2023 11:29

If dreams had all the answers💔

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Nigel Astell

Mon 18th Dec 2023 01:50

The emotional loss of her Uncle to deal with.
The unexpected return of her cousin after twenty years.
The mysterious letter holding yet more heartache as it seemed to stay in the background while Isabella tried to clear her head.
The ex-lover James who wants to come back into her life as the secret of the letter is revealed.

Inside a deep sleep answers are searched for will a dream find them - - -

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