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Patience and Isabella were nearly interchangeable in the minds of those who knew her. To her, patience wasn’t a virtue to be practiced, but rather a part of her very being. Life had trained her in such a way that she had learned to let things unfold as they were meant to, without trying to force or rush them in any way. She had come to understand that nothing in life ever happened exactly as one desired or expected, and so she moved forward with confidence and grace, not dwelling on what had been or anticipating what was yet to come.

Isabella knew that there was always a perfect time for every conversation to take place. Before that opportune moment, any efforts made were in vain and futile. She had seen too many times the disastrous effects of trying to jump the gun, to force something to happen before its time. And so, she chose to stay calm and composed, understanding that things would happen when they were supposed to.

She had also come to realize that questions without a face, only mere words, held very little depth. Without the added dimension of human touch and emotion, they were often just fanciful and emotionless. Isabella saw no point in searching for answers to these types of inquiries, as they held no real meaning or significance to her. She didn’t ignore or discard them, but rather chose to wait for the person asking them to do so in person, where the words could be imbued with emotion and feeling.

The future was a vast, murky unknown, and no one had the ability to foresee or predict what it held. Isabella knew this well, and so she didn’t waste her time worrying about the past or trying to anticipate what the future may hold for her. Words that hadn’t yet taken real form, those that were just plans or ideas, had lost their charm on her. She made a conscious effort to avoid interpreting them, to let time reveal their true meaning and purpose. She trusted that the answers to any questions that arose in her curious mind would come in due time.

Isabella’s feelings ran deep and clear. She had learned what it took to stay graceful and composed, and she no longer worried about things that were out of her control or that wouldn’t happen anytime soon. If something was meant to be, it would eventually come to pass. If not, it would simply fade away without much notice. This understanding brought her a sense of peace and allowed her to remain optimistic about the outcome of her endeavors.

Life was a constant ebb and flow, sometimes exciting and sometimes quiet. But Isabella took it all in stride, with a humble heart, always looking forward to what the future held. She remained patient, letting things unfold as they were meant to, with a quiet confidence in herself and the journey she was on. And in doing so, she found that life was a beautiful dance, one that she was content to let lead her where it may.

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Sat 16th Dec 2023 23:14

I thought you, Moonlight, might be writing a novel about a character named Isabella. Perhaps there will be further Isabella musings! Thanks for the response. It is so interesting to me to enter the mind of the writer....I think writers often present composite thoughts and characters, a mixture/blend of multiple influences and inspirations.

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Sat 16th Dec 2023 15:04

Thank you Helene 💐I'm glad to know you liked this piece.

1. Is there a back story to the inspiration to write this? Wisdom you learned from living your life perhaps?
Answer: It's a mix of everything in and around me. Not necessarily with me in person, but I was a part of the events, either as a witness or recipient.

2. Someone you know who is like Isabella?
Answer: I won't disclose the whereabouts of the person concerned. I wish to keep the privacy.

3. Paragraphs from a novel about a character named Isabella?
Answer: No, these are not excerpts from any novel. I've never read any such story, about a character named Isabella.

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Sat 16th Dec 2023 14:48

This is so well-written and inspiring Moonlight! I am going to print it out and tuck it in my diary. I aspire to be like Isabella; a road map to inner peace, really. Pray tell, is there a back story to the inspiration to write this? Wisdom you learned from living your life perhaps? Or someone you know who is like Isabella? Paragraphs from a novel about a character named Isabella? Share a bit if you feel like it.

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Sat 16th Dec 2023 11:36

Hopefully Nigel😃

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Nigel Astell

Sat 16th Dec 2023 11:34

Isabella has taken full control of her life.❤

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