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Wise fools

There's no connection of any kind
Neither good nor bad
We've created our own paths

Past is a closed chapter altogether
But lessons that we learn from history
Helps us solving life's hidden mysteries
Healing comes when we wish to heal
Remembering the situations that caused wounds does help
We analyze better and let's us to introspect

Refining ourselves and defining what's done
None is bad nor good, it's all situational
We are all caught in our web of fears

It's human to be sad, angry or happy
Why do you need any sort of therapy
Pray to God and he'll heal what's broken internally

Who said what, who did what, isn't important
We paid heed and implemented their advice 
For we loved, trusted and had faith on them intensely

Now we can neither blame them or us for all that happened
We weren't wise enough to take our own decisions
And depended upon others for their wisdom

We drifted apart cos the relationship was weak
It was only digitally triggered bond in verses
No human aspect ever added to it

Faded grainy images are what's left with me
No words, no voice, no laughter, no sound
It's all getting hazy and deleting daily

We have nothing to hold onto seriously
Except a false perception created by us
Imaginations aren't reality that shall happen to anybody

Few more verses down the line
And then days of documenting feelings be gone
Ending the digital relationship that never began


◄ Staying away

Canvas of fear ►


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Sat 9th Dec 2023 02:43

Thanks Nigel💐

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Nigel Astell

Fri 8th Dec 2023 11:18

Poetry will stay strong
your voice speaks out
kindness with so much love
can be heard Moonlight.❤

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