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Promise of love

Mi amor the love I hold for you is complete.
My love for you is compassion I will understand to the best of my ability decision you make. 

Know that you can confide in me your deepest secrets and I will not judge you. 

I offer you my open arms to take comfort in. I will protect you as best I can and offer you words of encouragement when you need them. 

Your actions show me what’s in your heart even when you fail to speak you will never be able to hide from me. 

I see a beautiful individual when I look at you. 

Our chemistry is as perfect as can be. When I hold you I feel as if I found a peace of myself, I had lost long ago. 

I don’t need to say anything out loud, because you can feel every emotion expressed through our touch that connection is shared across time and space. 

It feels like we have reconnected after many years apart. 

Energy reincarnated without knowing, subconsciously we have been searching for one another. 

Drawn to one another by the  connection we share. 

From the first kiss we felt the intense intimacy. 

Although fleeting we can share in this time and this space love we feel for each other dance with me again and let’s create memories to last another lifetime. 


◄ Pretty Things in life


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keith jeffries

Sat 9th Dec 2023 17:36

Deeply emotional and utterly honest. The third line has a profound quality which is essential to any lasting relationship. I found the poem moving and well expressed.
Thank you for sharing this,

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