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Divide creates space

Don't feel guilty, don't be ashamed,
For it was meant to be that way.
Our paths diverge, untamed and wild,
While I remain shy and polite.

The tides can never meet the ebbs,
We're destined to wander separate shores.
You, born to roam and rejoice,
None can bind you, not even love's hold.

Dames line up, awaiting your embrace,
Their beauty vying for your attention.
Why waste time and energy,
On characters from the annals of history?

I know it's just another game,
You, a master at playing chess.
I'm tired of guessing and recreating,
Now I find myself in a different realm.

Here, the views are dull and boring,
A land of souls forever departing.
Destinations different, ways too,
Our paths will never cross again.

We exist on different levels and lanes,
Keep your dices safe, my dear.
As well as your family and friends,
You've done a wonderful job, I must say.

Creating a safe space for them all,
While I continue searching for solace.
A strong, reliable hand to hold,
Not one preoccupied with strategies.

For in your hallucinations, I become the enemy,
A pawn in your elaborate schemes.
So, don't feel guilty, don't be ashamed,
Our fates were never meant to intertwine.

This poem captures the essence of our divide,
A messed up reflection of our separate lives.


◄ Life's journey

Walking on egg shells ►


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Sat 9th Dec 2023 02:52

Life isn't a game, isn't it Nigel. It shouldn't be treated such. Thank you Nigel🌷

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Nigel Astell

Fri 8th Dec 2023 11:04

A Queen moves a King hides
only when checkmate arrives
that space wanted is not found.❤

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