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Picking sides

Snow on ground for several days.

I’m taken back to sixty-three,

when it didn’t melt for months.


No central heating, frost on

inside windows. You’ve heard

the stories. Eventually the council


tried to clear the streets.

Collected as much snow

and ice as they could,


piled it high in a nearby

car park. A mountain range

for us to play and fight in.


Our school divided into two camps,

the Whites, and the Blacks.

We had no thoughts of race.


The Blacks amounted to less

than one class. I was

in the Blacks, of course.  


Proud to be, knowing I was

following the right, true path.

Lost every battle among the icy peaks.


Think Gordon of Khartoum,

Davy Crockett at the Alamo,

Corbyn in 2019. No, scrub


that last one. But I wonder.

Could you still be ‘woke’ with

Macmillan in power, at the age of ten?






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Greg Freeman

Tue 5th Dec 2023 08:54

Thanks for your memories and confirmations, Keith and JC. I was going to mention Sylvia Plath as well, but it didn't seem appropriate ... Many others have, of course. And thanks for the Likes, Tom, Hugh, and Stephen.

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John Coopey

Mon 4th Dec 2023 21:33

To quote Max Boyce, "I know- cos I was there!" I would have been in the last year of primary school. We lived about a mile away and I had to walk it. But I don't recollect I ever missed school because of the snow.

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keith jeffries

Mon 4th Dec 2023 16:37

Macmillan is surely preferable to the present incumbent. I too remember that winter which is as you describe it. I recall snow being piled high on the sides of roads and it did not melt until April.
Thanks for this,

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