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Miss doubtful 🤩

Should I pen down feelings true

Venting emotions anew

Words spilled on paper for you


Should I share thoughts within

Keeping them locked isn't a sin

Painting Canvas with letters to begin


Should I let the tears roll down

Smudging make-up, making a clown

Else oceans of pain will make me drown


Should I vent out pent-up anger 

Either let it spread within like cancer,

Or letting emotional magma to meander


Should I suppress sorrows and grief

Friendly hugs could give hearts relief

Strengthening trust and spiritual belief


Should I dance and sing with joy

Although I'm a little coy

But what's the harm if we enjoy


Explanation of the above poem 


This poem has an intriguing set of questions posed to the reader. The speaker appears to be grappling with various emotions and seeking guidance on how to express or deal with them. While there are no right or wrong answers, I can offer some insights and strategies based on psychological research.


1. Penning down feelings true: Writing down emotions can be cathartic and help process them. It allows one to externalize their feelings, which can lead to greater emotional clarity and understanding. This can be especially helpful when paired with reflection and self-analysis. However, if the individual is concerned about the recipient's reaction or potential consequences, it might not be the best option.

2. Keeping thoughts within: Suppressing thoughts and emotions can have negative consequences, such as increased stress, anxiety, and a heightened risk of mental health issues. It's important to find healthy ways to express oneself. However, if the individual is in a situation where expressing their true feelings could lead to harm, it might be safer to keep them to oneself for the time being.

3. Painting Canvas with letters to begin: As mentioned earlier, expressing emotions through writing can be beneficial. This could involve writing a letter to the recipient, journaling, or creating art. The act of putting feelings into words or visuals can help make sense of complex emotions and facilitate communication.

4. Letting tears roll down: Crying is a natural response to strong emotions and can be a form of emotional release. However, it's important to consider the context and setting in which this occurs. If the individual is prone to frequent crying or feels overwhelmed by their emotions, it might be helpful to seek professional support.

5. Repressing anger and sorrows: Repressing emotions can lead to long-term emotional problems. It's important to find healthy ways to express anger and process grief. This could involve talking to a trusted friend or therapist, engaging in physical activity, or participating in art therapy.

6. Dancing and singing with joy: Expressing positive emotions is just as important as dealing with negative ones. Engaging in activities that bring joy and happiness can help improve mood and overall wellbeing. However, it's important to ensure that these activities are genuinely enjoyable and not done out of obligation or to impress others.


In conclusion, the decision on how to express emotions should be based on the individual's unique circumstances, emotional needs, and personal preferences. It's important to find healthy ways to express oneself and seek support when necessary.






◄ Ghazala Lari - an ode to myself 🤪

Hidden pearls ►


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Ghazala lari

Thu 14th Dec 2023 05:38

Thank you M.C and Stephen 😊💐

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Stephen Gospage

Sun 3rd Dec 2023 09:06

A really fine poem, Ghazala. Written with delicacy and, as MC says, firm rhythm and rhyme.

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 2nd Dec 2023 14:57

I like the tight rhythm of these lines and the general consistency
of rhyme that maintains the interest, not least with the upbeat
ending that ends the piece. Thank you.

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