The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 55 days, 19 hours. Get details and Enter.


The Liverpool I know

I never felt I belonged

An observer

A watcher

Drinking in everything that came along

Revisiting memories so very clear

My city heart beats like I’m still here

Streets never changing

People stay the same

Time hasn’t dulled the reason for their fame,

I know I’m among them when I hear their cheerful roar

They clatter as they run by, with laughter to their core.

A small lad shouts faster

As I drive on by

Happy and excited as I catch his twinkling eye

My visit almost over I walk the shining streets

Just visiting this time

Me and my girl, our love open and far from discrete 

My mind travel, back to those brightest of days

Has opened my heart in so many ways

Feeling less of an outsider, now it’s clearer to see

I’m made of Liverpool and it’s been the making of me




◄ My Selfish Heart

Paper Cup ►


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