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There're things you can share

With everyone around you

And many an important information

You shy off from telling anybody

Matters that's general can be discussed

But one's that's personal can't be

Face to face conversations are valuable

But those that are talked about in groups needs sorting up

So choose wisely what's meant to be shared

And those that concerns none but oneself neednt be shared

That's the wisdom behind using information

One knows what's to be heard publicly

And those that's private are one's not shared with anybody

So one shouldn't feel bad when they discover something

Cos it's what the owner felt doesn't need public announcementsĀ 

If you know a secret information keep it with you secretly

There are some open secrets without acceptance of their authenticity

Understand the privacy concerns and let such be as they be


◄ Uncertainty is the only Certainty

All the best ►


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Wed 4th Oct 2023 14:28

Thanks Nigel šŸ’

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Nigel Astell

Sat 30th Sep 2023 00:46

Poetry opens yourself to others
Lines revealing information under control
Always when telling hold back
Secrets always staying within yourself.ā¤

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