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Autumn has its foot inside the door,

in accordance with nature's law.

This morning there was a shower,

another sign of nature's power.

A chilly wind rustles the leaves,

in which the trees sway in the breeze.

The nights have drawn in to banish the light,

and its gloom soon affects our sight.

Clouds gather with grim determination,

to wash away summer's contamination.

Leaves have yet to fall but their colours fade,

as the waterfall nearby has its renewed cascade.

I lament the passing of the summer,

no more teas on the lawn or gentle slumber.

We retreat indoors for tea and chatter,

or into the summer house to continue our natter.

We are at the cusp of these seasonal changes,

from joy to sadness life re arranges.


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Manish Singh Rajput

Mon 18th Sep 2023 05:59

A poem that is rich in vocabulary, imagery and description. I like how it speaks of the changing seasons and how we take time getting adjusted to another season. I am a summer person as well, so I can relate to this well crafted line - "I lament the passing of the summer."
Thank you for this.

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