The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 57 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.

Oh Poseur me

I've always been a bit of a dandy
A popinjay...... A fop
A fashionista in my own mind
A coxcomb from bottom to top

And I've always been a bit of a poseur
But now that I'm close to drawing my pension
I had to up the ante a bit
In order to get the attention

I had diamontes on mi shoes
And a bright pink Panama hat on
Paired with the shortest of shorty short shorts
And a shirt with a flowery pattern

I thought I must have looked the biz
Cos the folk were all looking at me
In a sideways glance I caught em staring
And it filled mi heart with glee.

I've always been a bit of a poseur
So I think it just fair to mention
I was lapping up the stares that I drew
And basking in the attention.

Until I heard some bugger shout
"Your bollock's hanging out"
Your bollock's hanging out you soft chuff
Gerra grip of yersen mate
Your bollock's hanging out you soft chuff
Tha looks a proper state

It's a wardrobe malfunction
Get a grip
There's kids about
We can all see your slip
It's an accident no doubt
But your bollock's hanging out



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M.C. Newberry

Tue 29th Aug 2023 15:02

Having worn a uniform that drew constant (occasionally unwanted!) attention for many years, I am now happy to adorn
myself with less than flamboyant attire, but enjoy the chutzpah
of other folk getting on in years who, if you'll pardon the
phrase in sartorial terms,, let it all hang out. 😊

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Stephen Gospage

Mon 28th Aug 2023 10:52

You should have thanked him for pointing it out, KJ, so to speak. Great poem as usual.

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