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It is reported that the Parole Board system is permitting the release of a rapist/murderer of  

two young girls.  This follows other very concerning decisions that beggar belief.


The Parole Board system is the law's own whore,

A fetid festering running sore;

Creeping corruption of its lifeblood flow

That sees society's cancer grow..






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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Tue 20th Jun 2023 16:23

Not excuses - REASONS

"The government’s unwillingness to fund the increases in the prison population that were driven by their obsession with pursuing populist law and order policies also caused problems. Ministers saw no problem with overcrowding to dangerous levels despite advice on the risks, making it necessary for me to refuse outright to comply with their wishes."

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M.C. Newberry

Sun 18th Jun 2023 20:05

Interesting how often the excuses overtake the actions that
might be better employed - and how each generation manages
to mess things up with their own failures.
When one understands how many alternatives there are to a sentence of
imprisonment, it can be better understood
just how and why a person ends up in prison. They are rarely martyrs deserving of ill-considered sympathy. Those who
commit bestial crimes are merely the vile
extremes of essentially aberrant behaviour.

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sun 18th Jun 2023 18:42

13 years of Tory rule.
Result: An omnishambles of chaos, corruption and injustice.

"Criminal Defence solicitor Simon Rollason reported to The Independent on Sunday that two of his clients had their hearings postponed by up to four months because the video technology broke down on the day, adding that the Parole Board was now ‘inundated’. He said the system was ‘close to crisis’ and that the Ministry of Justice must increase the board’s £12.5m funding to hire additional Parole Board members."
‘In probation, we’re poorly paid and the caseloads are unmanageable’
"Chris Grayling’s 2013 reforms have cost more, yet failed to cut reoffending or reduce staff shortages"

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 17th Jun 2023 21:45

The source was the main stream media. Did you miss it? Aren't you sufficiently "curious" to easily verify what is reported?
Didn't it make the pages of the Guardian? Who would believe it?
But if you need more - perhaps you also missed the release of the Shepherds Bush
murderer of unarmed police officers that
horrified the UK public of the Swinging Sixties - Harry Roberts?

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 17th Jun 2023 21:33

Yes but WHAT is your source MC?
These things are important-like Evidence.

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M.C. Newberry

Sat 17th Jun 2023 21:02

Look up the name "Colin Pitchfork" online. That should provide
more information about this decision. On the same line of
thought, another murderous criminal is being allowed to marry
in prison - check the name Levi Bellfield. It seems it is his "right" to do so. As a society, we appear to have lost sight of
need for any self-regarding society to be given protection and
the closure of "retribution" - that old concept of having the
punishment fit the crime. When the law becomes feeble, it
encourages revenge, and there are many who want us to think
retribution and revenge are one and the same for their own questionable purposes. When a judge donned the black cap
it was on behalf of society that the crime was beyond revenge
and signified the determination that no innocent life should
be treated and taken cheaply without forfeiting one's own.
When hanging was abandoned, the understanding was that
the substitute would be adequate in its application. Hah!

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 17th Jun 2023 20:31

WHERE is it reported MC ?

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 17th Jun 2023 19:47

Unfortunately MC, I and many others warned about this kind of thing coming years ago-AUSTERITY is a deliberate political decision, not an economic necessity.

There's a politically motivated desire to generate sensational and or hyperbolic tabloid headlines about long prison sentences, without the government concerned having to ACTUALLY FUND those prison places in FULL.

This is what happens when vital public services are slashed to the bone for ideological puroses.

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kJ Walker

Sat 17th Jun 2023 19:27

He should have been castrated for the rapes, then hanged for the murders.
Scum like that should never be released..
I don't know which particular case you refer to, but such as him should never see the light of day.

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Manish Singh Rajput

Sat 17th Jun 2023 18:03

This issue has always been concerning and disturbing to me, how can a rapist or a murderer be released?
I fully agree with the poem. Powerfully written, M.C. Newberry.
Thank you.

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keith jeffries

Sat 17th Jun 2023 17:44

Well said. This has always been my opinion.

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