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A tribute to Jesus

Jesus who performed many miracles was compassionate,tender and kind ,

Brought into this world to cure the lame,deaf and blind.

Mild mannered and lowly in heart,

Influenced men and women who flocked to take part.


His love for people was profound.

A bond for each other He fortunately found.

The dead He brilliantly did resurrect,

Treated women with kindness,dignity and respect.


God gave Jesus the power to perform powerful things,

Everlasting blessings to us,through Jesus,our Creator brings.

Bestowed with precious powers like raising the dead,

And when again resurrected,greater miracles lie ahead.



◄ Double arrest,one let off

"One flesh" ►


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M.C. Newberry

Sat 17th Jun 2023 17:17

Yet even Jesus could say (it is reported), as if it was acceptable,
that "the poor are always with us". How to allow this suffering
in God's love of His world was never enlarged upon in Christian teachings, likely excused as conveniently being "beyond our understanding". Meanwhile, we live/travel in hope....that
greatest of all contributions to living a worthwhile human existence.

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Uilleam Ó Ceallaigh

Sat 17th Jun 2023 11:59

Thanks Hugh.
It's a funny old world.
In the the pub only last night, another chap and I chatted about our respective youths and upbringings.

He insisted he was no longer "religious"; and I said that I drew a clear distinction between Religion v Spirituality, adding that if Jesus actually existed, and that if reports of his teachings were accurate, then I'd be a willing follower.

Who'd a thowt it? Two blokes who'd not been to church in years, full of ale, in the betting men's corner, talking about Jesus!😇

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keith jeffries

Fri 16th Jun 2023 15:51

an excellent poem. If people are searching for an icon then Christ is the supreme example in all that he said and did. I applaud this poem.
Thank you,

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