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Sea and Dune


I'd love a little home by the Sea.
A dream come true, it would be.
A place to escape, be hard to find.
All my troubles, leave them behind.

A little home by a stretch of beach.
To be cast away, to be out of reach.
A quiet little existence by the shore.
Then happy, I would be once more.

Just a dog for company, by my side
Our morning walks to beat the tide.
All gentle and still, no traffic around.
The rolling of waves, the only sound.

Escape the madness, no telephone.
Just watch the Sea, kick up a foam.
I wish my dream will come true soon.
My little home, next to Sea and dune.


◄ A Madness Tale

Distant Tears (Liverpool Loves Ukraine) ►


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Wed 10th May 2023 13:01

Lovely! I felt like I was there while reading the poem, breathing deep and smelling the salty sea water. We will be following you there, Mike (lol).

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Mike Bartram

Wed 10th May 2023 11:05

Thank you, I tried to create a floaty, dreamy feeling, so nice to think I got that across!

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Wed 10th May 2023 09:28

Very much enjoyed this and often feel the same way 😃

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Manish Singh Rajput

Wed 10th May 2023 05:43

Sounds like perfect paradise to me, Mike. Beautifully written, highly imaginative and dreamy.
Thank you.

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