The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 13 hours. Get details and Enter.


You’re a study to me
content in your calmness
not derailed by desire
nor rotten with bitterness

You cry when you need to
outspoken but reasonable
never screaming, no ill meaning
at your core, only gentleness

An easiness in each movement
you wave everyone in
make integrity and kindness
look utterly effortless

Disarming and charming
you got strong
from lifting others up
as if it’s not that hard to do

You’re a gentle man
and I’m proud my flesh
came from you…





◄ Like Someone Who Knows Me

If It Rains... ►


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Thu 17th Nov 2022 19:08

Thank you Holden, really pleased you felt that. 😀

Holden Moncrieff

Wed 16th Nov 2022 01:24

A beautiful poem, Tom, it really does evoke gentleness and calmness! I loved the lines
"you got strong
from lifting others up"! 🌷

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Mon 14th Nov 2022 10:16

Thank you Rose 😃 A gentle poem for a gentle person.

Thanks also to Frederick, Purplemoon, Rose, The Stephens, Jo and Héléne for stopping by reading and 'liking' this one.

<Deleted User> (9882)

Wed 9th Nov 2022 00:29

Wonderful poetical dedication Tom.

Rose 💋

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