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July 2022 Collage Poem: Tired Pleasure

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Cursed ghouls and ghosts demand revenge

colours will fade as our love fades

in the haze of a sweet afternoon, the

angler fish flashed light on the smooth

movements of languid pleasure moaning

 from the bed.


You don’t look like your profile picture

Nigel said to John Lennon

more like Bob Dylan on speed

among the loss of time

and our love reigns


We were Kings of poetry and past times,

now lost in the final dregs of a gin bottle

Martians at large in Stockport


Latest news – all’s well that ends well

too busy with themselves to bother

about others.



July 2022 Collage Poemtired pleasure

◄ June 2022 Collage Poem: Lost Technologies

August 2022 Collage Poem: The Haze of a Sweet Afternoon ►


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Nigel Astell

Fri 15th Jul 2022 13:21

1 9 2 Alien transporter
bus passengers abducted
next stop Mars
Red Planet Cafe
I don't care
says Slack Alice
swollen lips crave
somewhat different diet.

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