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October 2021 Collage Poem: This Side of Heaven

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Magpie flaps to the tune of Nature’s injustice

The poet strives for another success another year

Sunday wakens, bedraggled and woebegone

Coronation Street anthem drawls its falsehoods

Upbeat parental ending yields to great grimness

Wild West Yorkshire runs with bullet blood


Words find new hope in an army of perplexing forms

Goddess pours like erotic iron on the breathless forest

Dark truth hides a white lie in the segregated prison

The Duke finds his beloved breast on the landscape

Recitation perfectly matches the written word

Clock card machine tells of forgotten working lives.


collage poemOctoberThis Side of heaven

◄ September 2021 Collage Poem: Hope Resurfaces

November 2021 Collage Poem: Perplexing Forms ►


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Nigel Astell

Tue 19th Oct 2021 02:04

Face to Face
no saucepan faces
without superficial screens
poetry mellow toned
human conversation flowed
home sweet home.

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