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August 2021 Collage Poem Reversed: Drowning in Time

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Throwing in with grimmest grim.
Vegan Jim goes to Vegan gyms
Drowning in time three oak trees fall onto the bikeshed
Hope resurfaces like a periscope.

October skyscape number one pixelated from his old Wiki edition.
The devil grins to the Grim Reaper – do you want fries with that?

Parnoid haiku drowns in time rewriting the grim award
Chased away by angry geese
A furnace of hot stars popped the Pope's eye as he looked up from his allotment.

Barn owl and his flight of purest simplicity - effortless
Of yesterday's echoes
A cacophony of jackdaws shed their cape
Drowsy cathedrals emerge silently through slumbering mists
A Globe of jackdaws stone to stone.



◄ August 2021 Collage Poem: Drowning in Time

September 2021 Collage Poem: Hope Resurfaces ►


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Nigel Astell

Wed 11th Aug 2021 09:48

Words forever timeless
selective poetry read
higher composition scaled
drowning further depths.

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