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List For Santa-Claus

I just need someone to massage my mind.
Oh, but these neurons are aching.
I just need someone to drag me up out of this life
Where I am dying.

I just need a hand while I find my feet,
But one that won't hurt me.
I just need a body to hold in the night,
But one that won't scare me.

I just need someone to cradle my thoughts,
Keep Baby from crying.
I just need someone to show me that there's still a point
To my trying.

And you think that it's easy!
And you wonder why life can't please me.
And you blame the wreck.
But you never ask what sank the ship...


love's tempestvaginismusdepressionafraid of intimacy

◄ Prophecy

Merry-Go-Round ►


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Aviva Rifka Bhandari

Mon 24th May 2021 09:56

Thank you for your comment Rasa ?

Indeed, the poem is an unsaid communication to someone else, to those that ask 'What is wrong with you?' including to myself. The title suggests the frailty of the expectations.

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Rasa Kabaila

Mon 24th May 2021 09:18

Thank you for this poem Aviva. It is courageous to be able to talk about our deep and true emotions. I especially love your final two lines:

And you blame the wreck.
But you never ask what sank the ship

A list for Santa but a letter for someone else perhaps?

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Aviva Rifka Bhandari

Thu 20th May 2021 08:28

Thank you for commenting Nigel ?

Even the wreck on the seabed
Is still a treasure many hope to find
And some can be brought back to the surface
For a new existence in the world above water
If lovingly supported.

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Nigel Astell

Thu 20th May 2021 00:59

All I know
this ship can float
once love itself lifts
up that aching heart.

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Aviva Rifka Bhandari

Wed 19th May 2021 05:19

Thank you to everyone who has clicked 'Like' for this poem ?

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