The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 56 days, 17 hours. Get details and Enter.


I confess to a morbid curiosity about what is judged to require "moderating" by those employed at WOL for 

the job, not least because I've had that experience myself.  Perhaps there could be an X-cert. WOL archive

of moderated entries, obtainable via a password and age-verification indicating maturity of outlook and  

resistance to taking offence?  That would surely provide much material for thought, if not for actual allowed

reading for wider audience feelings of insult and outrage to occcur?.

Freedom to offend is still a cherished ideal in my own advanced dotage, not least in a world that is less robust

than it might be and frequently tending towards the ready acceptance of the exaggerated distortion of reality.

that can see certain mindsets secure in their chosen comfort zone.

Joking?  Well, I just could be.  But then the clown can be Pagliacci..  :-))




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Graham Sherwood

Thu 25th Mar 2021 11:29

MCN, as you will know, being a long-standing member of WOL, the moderation function is employed very infrequently.

For reasons of sensibility, the process usually (where practicable) is undertaken between the moderation team and the member concerned.

At the time of writing, I don't believe exists but you never know eh?

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John Coopey

Thu 25th Mar 2021 09:10

It’s one Tom Paine missed off in his “Rights of Man” - the right not to be offended. Aka “No Platforming” .

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