The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 52 days, 22 hours. Get details and Enter.

Ten into five will go

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Pick 10 people who have been important in your life: an amazing teacher, a popstar you emulated when your were a toddler, the noisy nieghbour you want dead, etc.


Write a stanza about each, each stanza must be exactly 5 words long.


Perform the resulting poem at an event without giving the audience any explanation as to why and how you wrote it. 

◄ Write Light, Travel Light

Oh June, you make my heart go boom! ►

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winston plowes

Thu 10th Jun 2010 10:01

He created me without knowing
Invisible blindfolds smoke and mirrors
Trust easily won by love
Carries the grace inside her
I was once a baby
No laughing in purple heaven
No heroes in your tragedy
A hand no to hold
A school prize between covers
I follow in dark footsteps

<Deleted User> (8335)

Wed 9th Jun 2010 20:12

No teachers, No Mentor Hero..
Only an unfulfilled slip stream
Life, given yet taken away
Woken with fear every day
Passed the baton, on your way

Cheated with an extra word, but hey it took all of ten secs to write

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Dave Bradley

Sun 6th Jun 2010 21:49

Hi Jackie

I've had a go but have to agree with others that this is a difficult formula to write anything half-decent in, and I can't imagine performing it. But it certainly made me think so Ta very much.

Rachel Bond

Sat 5th Jun 2010 23:05

well it was interesting to think of important people but to only give five words to each?? mine just didnt make any sense andd was disjointed. i think its a good way to come up with choice phrases to use elsewhere.
I wouldnt read this out.
I do like the way kath hewit as utilized the exercise to produce something meaningful in its whole...very skilful thing to do.
I do enjoy trying out different writing exercises though so keep em coming...
ill blog one it would be very interesting to see everyones take on it:)

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Fri 4th Jun 2010 23:26

No - I think mine will stay on a page also Carole. Because of the subject matter, the poem jumps about left, right and centre. An audience really wouldn't get it - so what's the point inflicting it on them?

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Fri 4th Jun 2010 19:33

ok , dont know about the event thing though , its not what i usually do

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Fri 4th Jun 2010 09:41

Tee hee - why don't you bend the rules a little and write a poem that is 10 lines long, 5 words each line, all about Cilla Black...

I'm just about to post mine now. It is a hideously restrictive form of writing and one that I won't repeat in a long, time, if ever - but it has been fun - of sorts - a bit like pulling your own poetic toe nails out...

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Ray Miller

Thu 3rd Jun 2010 23:03

I used to think I was my own worst enemy.But I wasn't sure. So I decided to view the matter scientifically,gather the facts, look at the evidence impartially. Turned out it was Cilla Black, she's my worst enemy.I'm only in 5th place.But does she really mean each stanza to be five words long, not five lines.

Ray Miller
Black Killer.

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Thu 3rd Jun 2010 22:46

What's it's all about Ray? Haven't you ever heard her sing Alfie? Forget blind date and those chicken legs - you have to admit that was a stonking song and her nasal voice was somehow right for it. That song even inspired me to write a poem - one of my very best!

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Ray Miller

Thu 3rd Jun 2010 18:04

Each stanza must be 5 words long!How can I convey my deep hatred for Cilla Black in 5 words? That's ridiculous.

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Thu 3rd Jun 2010 16:38

I think this is a great idea. You should also blog it. I'm not totally sure that everyone reads features but they do blogs.

I find it hard not to explain my poetry cos it is important to me that my audience/readers understand. I could give it a go though.

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