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The ancient wiles of Venus

Thankfully are still with us

Your skills are so magnetic

That svelte body energetic


Energetic women make my day

Even if there's a physical risk

A worthwhile price to pay

Is the occasional slipped disc


Vigorous and forceful are you

Sometimes taking me unawares

Yet its always a welcome relief

From my routine daily cares


Energetic women make my day

Even if there's a physical risk

A worthwhile price to pay

Is the occasional slipped disc


I fear one day you'll over-do things and go too far

Then they'll bring my bits home pickled in a jar


Energetic women make my day

Even if there's a physical risk

A worthwhile price to pay

Is the occasional slipped disc


energeticwomenpickledslipped disc

◄ Mud

Crescendo ►


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