The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 53 days, 6 hours. Get details and Enter.

Heroes In Blue

entry picture

Unprecedented times, the like never seen before

This pandemic has shaken us all to our very core

A whirlwind ripping through our cities and towns

The evil coronavirus wearing its invisible crown

It does not care if you are rich or poor

A Royal, a minister or the boy next door

No matter what age, wealth, colour or creed

Affecting us all, and with devastating speed

We have a war to fight, we need to act fast

A battle mightier than seen in our recent past

We need protection and care for the sick

We need an army, and we need them quick

This call is answered by our heroes in blue

Fighting on the front line for me and for you


Strange times for us all, lock down is rough

Not meeting with family and friends is tough

The schools are shut, pubs and restaurants too

Cinemas and theatres, the gyms and the pools

The shops are closed down, nothing much is sold

Holidays are cancelled, travel plans on hold

No trips to the beach or sunbathing allowed

No picnics by the river or gathering in crowds

We shop for food, keeping a two metre distance

Run errands for neighbours in need of assistance

Staying safe at home, apart from our hour a day

To control the contagion, to keep the virus at bay

We all do this to protect our heroes in blue

Fighting on the front line for me and for you


When the virus is defeated and safely in the past

We will come together, celebrate and party at last

Hug family and loved ones, tell them you care

Be together and cherish the moments you share

Visit the cinema, the theatre or go out to dine

Share a bottle or two! of your favourite wine

Meet a friend for coffee or afternoon tea

Spend a day out, or go on a shopping spree

A new dress and bag and maybe some shoes

Most importantly get that desperate hairdo

Drive to the seashore, just to watch the tide

Lay a blanket by the river in the countryside

We will do this because of our heroes in blue

Fighting the front line for me and for you




◄ Lucky Cow

After The Storm ►


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julie callaghan

Mon 6th Jul 2020 08:14

Thank you for the likes and comments, several amazing rainbows appearing here last night. the photo does not do it justice.
They make all this miserable weather we are having a little more bearable.

<Deleted User> (17847)

Sun 5th Jul 2020 21:07

And so say all of us Julie ?. Definitely a case of Front line versus the Flat line!


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julie callaghan

Sun 5th Jul 2020 19:48

Thank you. Took a while to write the poem all those months ago. A split second to capture the rainbow. Seemed appropriate to post #thankyounhs

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julie callaghan

Sun 5th Jul 2020 19:31

How appropriate for this rainbow to just appear, perfect timing to celebrate the anniversary of the NHS. The poem was written at the start of lockdown, apologies, it seemed appropriate to post again tonight along with this photo.

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