The Echoes poetry competition to celebrate Write Out Loud's 20th anniversary is now open.  Judged by Neil Astley.

Competition closes in 54 days, 7 hours. Get details and Enter.

Midnight At The End Of Time

They say it will soon be over

That it's just a teenage thing

They dont know what they're saying

Last night I gave you my ring


Its like I'd known you forever

We seem to go back to Creation

To the shrine of Adam and Eve

We send our invitation


Midnight at the end of time

Midnight at the end of time

I'll love you at least until

Midnight at the end of time


Youth is decried as immature

Parents think they know better

I read more common sense

Scrawled in your very first letter


Our combined wisdom is huge

We don't need any advocate

Old people tell us to slow down

When the truth is, we cant wait


Midnight at the end of time

Midnight at the end of time

I'll love you at least until

Midnight at the end of time


I cant imagine you getting old

Your face will always be young

With our love to keep us entwined

We'll never ever come unstrung


Dont listen to your mother

She's trying to pull us apart

There's only one spirit to listen to

Thats the beating of my heart


"Quit her, she's dying" your parents cry

Our bonds so strong you'll never die


Midnight at the end of time

Midnight at the end of time

I'll love you at least until

Midnight at the end of time



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jennifer Malden

Thu 2nd Jul 2020 17:11

Hi Simon! Liked this one, better late than never! Loved the refrain.
Also' there's only one spirit to listen to, that's the beating of my heart.'
Deep sentiments expressed with an apparent lightness, but underneath that's not the message.

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