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My hope in joining is for anyone who reads my writing will be able to visualize, connect, and appreciate it for what it means to them. Thank you and enjoy!
(My first poem) The Notebook My own personal canvas expanding its pages like a universe, existing as my personal codex. A safe-haven holding my deepest darkest secrets dormant in a chamber of my heart. My best friend created as my book of revelations counting the years my notebook and I share. holding it close and keeping its meaning closer, jotting every thought racing to my mind allowing the words to flourish and bloom. Every page a wave in my endless sea of thoughts twisting and turning with every creation a novel full of dreams, perishing under its own weight as the reality burns the book to crisp.
All poems are copyright of the originating author. Permission must be obtained before using or performing others' poems.
Blog entries by Joseph Calderon
Life Tests (26/09/2017)
Preliminary Relief (04/09/2017)
The Controller of Life (28/08/2017)
Words too hot for the tongue (25/07/2017)
Let Me Sleep (20/07/2017)
Away From The Wave (05/07/2017)
The Notebook (04/07/2017)
Blog link: https://www.writeoutloud.net/blogs/josephcalderon
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Welcome, Joseph. Great to have you aboard.
Just a thought re: The Notebook - since all your ideas seemed water/ocean/sea oriented - perhaps something rather than 'burned to a crisp.' could be considered.
If you don't want 'thoughts' just say so. But sharing really is quite fun, and usually beneficial. At least, I have found it so.
Does your photo indicate an island home? I used to live in Bermuda; so anything like 'ocean' captures me totally. I miss it.
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Joseph Calderon
Wed 5th Jul 2017 14:33
Thank you Cynthia!
Re : The Notebook- I greatly appreciate your feedback and I would agree now to that last line is questionable considering I wrote this poem 2 years ago. I feel as if my poetry has some kind of melancholic undertone which is usually balanced with its opposite. I hope you can continue reading my pieces and offer any advice. The picture was taken on a beach in Puerto Rico which I highly recommend visiting. Thank you again!