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Where do you write?

I must admit I'm a bit lazy when it comes to writing poetry. months can pass without a word, then 3 or 4 poems in a day.

I tend to do most of it on the move, I can't just sit down at home and write. I need to be on a bus or train, or in a pub(ok that isn't strictly on the move - except to the bar every half an hour)

Plus I tend not to write in a note book anymore, I write on my phone or my ipod touch, then email it.

Where do you do most of your writing?
Thu, 9 Jun 2011 03:16 pm
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Interesting, I can't sit and write either although I remember one poem I wrote lying down when I was ill. It often goes on my phone, there's an awful lot of crap on it at the end of a night in the pub sometimes. Many times stuff has been written while I am driving, usually on the way to work for some bizarre reason. If at home I do have a notebook but I wander round the kitchen with music on and put stuff down intermittently.

All of this probably explains why a lot of my stuff is a bit chaotic, unpolished and generally average :-)
Mon, 13 Jun 2011 10:23 am
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Eh up Mart!

I write most of mine during quiet periods in work, although sometimes of an evening, or a weekend at home. There will always be lines I think of though when out and about, in Tescos usually, and they get recorded on the voice recorder thingy on my phone, or I send a text to myself :D

I also keep interesting phrases and scenarios either written into a small book at home, or put into one of several Word docs on my laptop.
Mon, 13 Jun 2011 01:09 pm
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yes, the shine of the post-pub notebook seems to have dulled by the morning, I find. Pubs and cafes, and trains in particular, I find good places to write, away from the ought-to-dos of home.
Mon, 13 Jun 2011 05:15 pm
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Being a freelancer means having to make notes about everything and everything. The problem is that all the poetry stuff gets mixed in too. Ideas, impressions, words etc can arrive any hour of day or night so it often requires getting out of bed to write a memory jogger down for later.
I have to write in the quiet though, no music, nothing. I can never just think up a subject. It has to have happened and been gathered first into a ramshackle list of ideas.
Mon, 13 Jun 2011 06:12 pm
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walking, waiting for buses, sitting on trains, sitting on the loo . . . anywhere really ;)
Mon, 13 Jun 2011 06:19 pm
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On the back of betting slips.
Mon, 13 Jun 2011 06:34 pm
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<Deleted User> (9450)

new to write out loud. so yeah... i don't wana sound like a total tard, but how can and, or can i even upload poems? ... yeah, pretty stupid. i tend to write in bed. through the night. sleepless nights, and letting the pen write...
Mon, 13 Jun 2011 07:01 pm
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I write in my head anywhere and everywhere - only scraps end up written down.

As most best stuff comes when I'm swimming or having a bath, the best thing I have is a notepad with waterproof paper (from Hawkins Bazaar.

Welcome Saba. Top right of page when you are logged in is "make a blog entry". Once you find that it's easy. I look forward to reading your stuff
Mon, 13 Jun 2011 10:01 pm
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I write most of my stuff at least the original draft off it on the go going home from work or in gigs or in the pub when I have had a shandy or too.. It's usually in the movement of people's lives whether I write about it or not that sparks me off..

Usually when I am at home, I am usually listening to music! lol
Tue, 14 Jun 2011 08:16 am
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In cafe's mostly, readily supplied with Java intravenous...
Tue, 21 Jun 2011 01:32 pm
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Some of my best work is done on the toilet.
Tue, 21 Jun 2011 02:02 pm
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Mind those pesky rats John!
Tue, 21 Jun 2011 03:24 pm
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I'm pretty sure we've had this thread before but here goes...

I write mostly at my keyboard where I find it easier to play around with words. Touch typing helps... I do jot odd lines down on scraps of paper as well, which I then work on at the terminal.

Remind me not to touch any of your biros John (Coopey)... x
Tue, 21 Jun 2011 05:17 pm
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Public transport is an inspiration,next time your on a bus listen, and watch and its so surprising the things that come to mind. I get 4 buses a day and its the only place I seem to find nice uninterrupted time. I love to write everywhere,on my iPhone. x
Tue, 21 Jun 2011 05:48 pm
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I do find these days I need to work it out with a pencil.
Wed, 22 Jun 2011 01:28 pm
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Then beware of lead poisoning - it could be nasty...
Wed, 22 Jun 2011 01:30 pm
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Ewwww JOHN! You are awful...but I like you ;)
Wed, 22 Jun 2011 04:20 pm
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I guess, for the physical mechanics of it, I write either at a keyboard or somewhere where paper and scribing implements are to hand. I can't do this at work, so that's usually at home - somewhere.

The "ideas" bit happens anywhere, anytime. Usually when there are no scribing implements or paper nearby.

Come to think of it, maybe that's for the best. . . 8(


Wed, 22 Jun 2011 10:47 pm
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Nonono Anthony! We want you to write more!xx
Fri, 24 Jun 2011 07:10 am
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I basically write in my head... wherever it is that I may be. This is why having paper and pen is quite handy to have around. I sometimes write out verses on my phone but that takes too long. And often, I write while online, off the cuff, as I am doing now on this box... and as a result sometimes lose what I am working on should I press certain keys on the keyboard.
Fri, 24 Jun 2011 01:51 pm
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Most often when travelling on the bus to and from work - hence these:

Journey-man Poet

Perhaps a journey jogs my hand to write:
Indoors I find no sign of lines of scansion.
The morning trek to work and back at night
Inspires for, when at home, I feel a tension.
The massed distractions of the daily grind
Should, you would think, make writing tougher
Yet when I hit the sofa and unwind,
It's then my inspiration seems to suffer
And so I scribble thoughts upon the bus
And stare out of the window, noting
All the passing souls and sights that rush
But give me something ready for reporting.
I wish I'd time to scribe my stuff at home,
If only folks would leave me well alone!

The Poet on the 38

The poet on the 38
Has realised, much, much too late
That in his rush to scribe and scrawl,
For him, the writing’s on the wall:
He needs to let the matter drop
Since, in his haste, he’s missed his stop!

Poem Heaven

Is there a heaven for poems
That die and end up in the bin?
For I think that I might become one
And my chances of life are quite slim,
For my stupid, thoughtless writer
Sits here, scribbling on the bus
And hasn’t paid attention
To what he’s writing, in his rush.
So, will I get to heaven
Where unwanted poems sit?
Or will my awful author
Give up and say, “To hell with it”?
Tue, 28 Jun 2011 06:46 pm
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i used to write on the bus but sadly the main road near me(Chester Road) is so pot holed, my poetry ends up looks like a experimental painting sometimes - lol, but i do agree with Amy and C Richard... x
Thu, 30 Jun 2011 08:19 am
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My walk to the library tends to get creative juices flowing with the rhythm of my footfall. Often arrive there and scrabble for writing implements in my bag before I forget and another non-masterpiece is lost to the world!
Thu, 30 Jun 2011 11:03 am
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